GCSE Result 2023


排名  GCSE 9-7  學校 學校類別  地區
1 97.5% Wycombe Abbey School Girls South East
2 96.3 Westminster School Co-ed London
3 96% St Paul's School Boys London
4 94% Brighton College Co-ed South East
5 93.5% Tonbridge School Boys South East
6 92% Dulwich College Boys London
7 90% Concord College Co-ed West Midlands
8 88.4% Winchester College Co-ed South East
9 88% Whitgift School Boys London
10 88% St Catherine's, Bramley Girls South East
11 87.1% Cheltenham Ladies' College Girls South West
12 87% St Michael's School Llanelli Co-ed Wales
13 86% Sevenoaks School Co-ed South East
14 85% Westbourne School Penarth Co-ed Wales
15 84.1% Cardiff Sixth Form College Co-ed Wales
16 84% City of London Freemen's School Co-ed South East
17 83.4% Epsom College Co-ed South East
18 83.2% Queen Ethelburga's College Co-ed Yorks/Humber
19 82% Benenden School Girls South East
20 81% Downe House Girls South East
21 80.7% Abingdon School Boys South East
22 80.5% St Swithun's School Girls South East
23 80.2% Eton College Boys South East
24 80% St Francis' College Girls Anglia
25 78% Reed's School Co-ed South East
26 78% Canford School Co-ed South West
27 77.4% Haileybury Co-ed Anglia
28 76.1% Radley College Boys South East
29 75.5% Rugby School Co-ed West Midlands
30 75% Headington School Girls South East
31 74.3% Roedean School Girls South East
32 74% The King's School, Canterbury Co-ed South East
33 74% Oundle School Co-ed East Midlands
34 73% Westbourne School, Penarth Co-ed Wales
35 72% Chigwell School Co-ed London
36 72% Bishop's Stortford College Co-ed Anglia
37 72% Charterhouse Co-ed South East
38 71% Bedford School Boys Anglia
39 71% Stephen Perse Foundation Co-ed Anglia
40 71% St Mary's Calne Girls South West
41 70% The Yehudi Menuhin School Co-ed South East
42 68.6% Uppingham School Co-ed East Midlands
43 68.1% St Peter's School, York Co-ed Yorks/Humber
44 66.38% Woldingham School Girls South East
45 66.24% Warwick School Boys West Midlands
46 66% Dauntsey's School Co-ed South West
47 66% Fettes College Co-ed Scotland
48 65.4% Royal High School Bath Girls South West
49 65.1% Berkhamsted Senior School Co-ed Anglia
50 65% Chase Grammar School International Study Centre Co-ed West Midlands
51 65% St Mary's School, Cambridge Girls Anglia
52 63% Ipswich School Co-ed Anglia
53 62% Kingswood School, Bath Co-ed South West
54 62% Mayfield School Girls South East
55 61.8% The Purcell School for Young Musicians Co-ed Anglia
56 61.5% The Royal School, Armagh Co-ed Northern Ireland
57 61.4% Woodbridge School Co-ed Anglia
58 61% St George’s School, Ascot Girls South East
59 61% Repton School Co-ed East Midlands
60 61% Clifton College Co-ed South West
61 60% Queen Anne's School, Caversham Girls South East
62 59% Cheltenham College Co-ed South West
63 59% Bromsgrove School Co-ed West Midlands
64 59% Loughborough Grammar School Boys East Midlands
65 58% Sherborne Girls Girls South West
66 57.8% Mill Hill School Co-ed London
67 57% Brentwood School Co-ed Anglia
68 57% Eastbourne College Co-ed South East
69 57% Harrogate Ladies' College Girls Yorks/Humber
70 56.8% Kimbolton School Co-ed Anglia
71 56% Bradfield College Co-ed South East
72 56% Royal Masonic School for Girls Girls South East
73 56% Lancing College Co-ed South East
74 54.9% Chetham's School of Music Co-ed North West
75 54.5% Prior's Field School Girls South East
76 54.4% St Margaret's School, Bushey Co-ed Anglia
77 54% d' Overbroeck's Co-ed South East
78 54% Farlington School Co-ed South East
79 53% Culford School Co-ed Anglia
80 53% The Mount School York Girls Yorks/Humber
81 53% Adcote School for Girls Girls West Midlands
82 52.1% Ashford School Co-ed South East
83 52% Malvern College Co-ed West Midlands
84 52% Taunton School Co-ed South West
85 52% Shrewsbury School Co-ed West Midlands
86 52% Bootham School Co-ed Yorks/Humber
87 51.7% Wells Cathedral School Co-ed South West
88 51% Kent College Pembury Girls South East
89 50.3% Queenswood Girls Anglia
90 50% Stowe School Co-ed South East
91 50% Reddam House Berkshire Co-ed South East
92 50% Leighton Park School Co-ed South East
93 49% Blundell's School Co-ed South West
94 49% Oakham School Co-ed East Midlands
95 48.5% Royal Russell School Co-ed London
96 48% Kensington Park School Co-ed London
97 47.7% St George's School for Girls, Edinburgh Girls Scotland
98 47.1% West Buckland School Co-ed South West
99 47.1% Gresham's School Co-ed Anglia
100 47% Thetford Grammar School Co-ed Anglia